WikidProject Musing

Wiki Notebooks. Was dreaming a bit about what wikid might be/do in that space. There's a long, long way for it to go to get there...

The really challenging thing about wiki notebooks, though, is not so much the writing part, as how to make mining the trove easier, more accessible, more rewarding. Here I am, now, with 6 years' of trove, and, more and more often, I find myself repeating stuff I wrote 4 or 5 years ago, creating new pages/nodes that really ought to be links to pages I've forgotten I have.

Back in time, before I focused on links as much as I do now, before I focused on many more much smaller nodes as I do now, the linking can be poor, weak, grossly under-representing the relationships between thoughts. I'd like to do something about that, and the WikidProject represents my best option for that.

And so the project morphs, at least just a little. The primary goal is still looking to do something about GOATS, but perhaps it might become both a personal and and shared-thinking thing...