
Seen on the socials:

"Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization." - Peter Kropotkin

Actually... cooperation is the law in jungles, too. In all ecosystems.

Competition is the law only in the face of scarce and limited resources.

So how did competition become the dominant feature of our economic systems when our reality is abundance?

...#greed ...

But really? How much food can one person eat? How many beds can one person sleep in? How many toilets does one need to shit in — even ones made of gold or something. There's more to this than meets the eye.

Could it be that the economic dynamics is the way it is so as to ensure the concentration of resources into the hands of the few with the express purpose of creating an artificial scarcity in the face of a real abundance?

Why would anyone want to do that? To control the allocation of those resources, thereby controlling the people who need them? Maybe.

Is that all it is, though?

Could it be a way to create a pressure cooker of competition, a dog-eat-dog, cat-eat-human atmosphere where we're so busy tearing each other to pieces we lose sight of who it is that really ought to be torn from the pack?