LogSeq Trial

Found out that Logseq is now available for Linux, so I tried it. Very briefly.

It's an Electron app, so cue instant hate.

It's slow as molasses. Typed in a link to a non-existant page, and it took several seconds before actually becoming a link.

I dislike intensely the whole "writing in blocks" idea... hated it in XYWrite back in the '80s, hated it in Roam, still hate it in Logseq.

It's very geared towards Getting Things Done; everything seems to revolve around the daily journal, todo checklists and similar. I don't work/think that way. I want notes to be curated, ever-growing, ever-evolving ecosystems reflecting a notion in my head, not some bullet list of dribletts.

So: Not for me, but I'm glad I had the chance to kick the tyres on it.