American Crime Syndicates

There's a thing I don't understand about all the raping and pillaging of government departments going on in the USA right now... Let's pretend you're the Chief Bureaucrat In Charge of some government department, sub-department, building, whatever, and bunch of juvenile delinquents show up in reception demanding access to sensitive records, networks and computers, and claiming to be from the Department Of The Tooth Fairy. They even have official-looking ID showing they're from the Department Of The Tooth Fairy. Scary looking ID. The question is: do you allow them in to the building?

The answer, my friends, is not blowing in the wind. The answer is "No." And then you call Security and instruct them to remove those blowhards from the facility. If that's not sufficient, you call the Police and instruct them to arrest said Tooth Fairy Operatives on a charge of "Attempting to Breach the Security of a Government Facility". Or Terrorism. As appropriate.

If you don't do that... if you don't refuse the illegal demands of a fictional, non-existent "government department" that's really not a government department, then you're not doing your job. Worse: if you actually allow them said access to protected records, then you're not merely failing in your job, your an accomplice to the crime. You're complicit, and should face criminal charges yourself.

How is this not happening? Are those bureaucrats really complicit? Or are they just scared shitless of a handful of child wonders with an overinflated sense of entitlement?

Remember that "I was just following orders" is no excuse when the trials come.